Our Mission

We create and implement growth strategies custom-tailored to each individual client. We have worked with hundreds of companies over the past twenty years ranging from nascent start-ups to billion dollar multi-nationals. Our approach towards each has been totally unique.

We pride ourselves in our ability to achieve and exceed our client’s goals. Some come to us for seed capital while others seek new channels to sell their products and services. Some come to us wanting to sell their companies while others look to add new companies to their portfolio. We work with inventors hoping to bring their products to market along with merchants looking for their next “Big Thing.”

Whether you’re looking towards long-term growth for your company or simply looking for an important introduction to a company within our network…we’re here to help you connect and grow.

Our Services

Direct-to-consumer marketing campaigns typically require a minimum of twelve strategically executed and integrated contracts, many up to forty. In order to succeed in this highly competitive and volatile marketplace, optimal partners must be identified, agreements favorably negotiated, implemented, and continuously managed. One wrong decision on any one of these could mean the difference between success and failure for your campaign.

It is a business of relationships, evolving market intelligence, emerging solutions and service providers…but most of all choices…every day decisions and choices.

To which company should I bring my invention? Who can I trust? What agency will be the best to buy my media? Which call center is right for my campaign? Which logistics company will give me the best prices and provide the right services? How do I protect myself from online fraud? Which merchants are looking for new service providers or operational efficiencies? Which pay their bills regularly…which do not? How will regulatory issues and emerging technologies affect future marketing? Are there better solutions out there?

Strategist Rus Sarnoff has answers to these questions. Learn more about him here.


Who we’ve worked with…